A Little Organization, Please…

Fabric scraps

Seeking organization in my studio and blog.

First the studio…
I’m very excited about getting my sewing equipment back out and getting started on projects. Sewing requires much more equipment than alla prima painting and I’m having a hard time trying to decide just where my cutting table, pressing table, sewing machine, and fabric will go without disrupting everything else I have going on. I like minimal stuff and organization. I can handle a lot of stuff, but I just don’t want to see it when I’m working on a project. Hopefully, this week I can get it figured out!

Now my blog…
I started this blog mainly about textile arts and improvisational quilting and it’s has kind-of become a free for all dumping ground. I like the idea of having a blog where I can share all my creative projects, but I also like organization. I recently read a great article at Art Biz Blog.

The article is about creating content for your blog, newsletter, and status updates on social media. It suggests that you create fewer than 10 content categories. These are the main topics your write about and you use only 1 main category for your blog posts. Then you create subcategories and these are considered your tags or keywords. You will have many more subcategories and they can migrate from category to category. Right now I have 16 categories and many, many subcategories. So, it’s time to do a little tweaking.

That’s what I’ll be working on this week.

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